
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Through a Window

Last spring and early summer, I was able to lie outside for an hour or two for the first time in nearly three years.  It felt glorious.  I hope soon to get another taste of that little bit of freedom. However, for now, my health does not permit it.  And so, for the time being, I remain indoors, looking out through bedroom windows.   Here's just a tiny glimpse of my small world taken over the last several months.


Deer Eating Cactus Blooms


Cactus Wren

 Lesser Goldfinch

Another Lesser Goldfinch

Finch Takes a Nap at the Feeder

Female Finch Keeps Watch

Pyrrhuloxia (Type of Cardinal)

Antelope Squirrel
Harris's Hawk

Sharp Shinned Hawk (standing on one foot)

Man on the Mountain

Meanwhile, indoors, spring blooms in winter.  It reminds me to stay hopeful.

Hydrangea (before and after)

Amaryllis Before

Amaryllis After

"Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."  ~Emily Dickinson