May 12th is International ME/CFS Awareness Day. Unless you have or know someone with ME/CFS, you probably wouldn't know that. And even if you did know, you probably won't read about it in any newspaper, nor hear about it on any media outlet. Like many ME/CFS patients themselves, this day tends to go by unmentioned, unnoticed, unheard.
So, in an effort to do my small part in raising awareness about this illness, here are just a few basic facts about ME/CFS:
1. ME stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis -- a complex, multi-systemic illness affecting the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular, autonomic and central nervous systems. It is classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a neurological disease.
Unfortunately, ME is also often referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), a highly trivial-sounding name given to the disease by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) after one of the largest U.S. outbreaks of the illness in Incline Village, NV in the 1980s. It is now often abbreviated ME/CFS.
2.In order to be diagnosed with CFS in the U.S., you must present with: extreme, incapacitating exhaustion that is not alleviated by rest and reduces your activity level by at least 50% as well as at least four of the following symptoms: post-exertional malaise (a worsening of symptoms after even minor exertion) lasting more than 24 hours, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, low grade fevers, headaches, unrefreshing sleep, and memory problems/difficulty concentrating. These symptoms must be present for six months or longer. This set of diagnostic criteria for CFS is referred to as the 1994 CDC Fukuda definition of CFS.
Many patients also suffer from severe neurological problems, sensory overload, orthostatic intolerance, exercise intolerance, shortness of breath, chest pain and many other symptoms.
In 2011, a new international definition of M.E., the International Consensus Criteria, was established by doctors and specialists from around the globe and published in the Journal of Internal Medicine. It is yet to be known if/when the CDC will officially adopt it.
3. Studies have shown ME/CFS can be as or more debilitating than multiple sclerosis, lupus, COPD, heart failure, late-stage AIDS and end-stage renal failure.
Dr. Nancy Klimas, an immunologist who splits her time between ME/CFS and HIV/AIDS patients, was recently quoted as saying:
"I can tell you, if I had to choose between the two illnesses (in 2009) I would rather have H.I.V."
4. ME/CFS afflicts both genders and all age groups, including young children. Approximately one million Americans have ME/CFS. That's more than the prevalence of breast cancer, AIDS, or lung cancer combined. Additionally, at least 17 million people suffer from ME/CFS world-wide.
5. It has been estimated that about 25% of ME/CFS patients are fully disabled, and many of those are bedridden or completely homebound.
6. ME/CFS often has a viral and sudden onset. Many viruses have been linked to CFS, including EBV (mononucleosis), CMV and HHV-6. Bacterial infections have also been associated with the disease, including mycoplasma, Q Fever and Lyme disease.
7. There are well over 5,000 published studies showing possible physical biomarkers in ME/CFS. Some known abnormalities include: low natural killer cell activity, activated T cells, increased levels of cytokines, abnormalities in brain metabolism, mitochondrial damage, orthostatic intolerance, low blood volume, problems with oxidative phosphorylation, blocks in methylation cycles, changes in genetic expressions, oxygen toxicity/cellular hypoxia, left ventricular dysfunction in the heart and delayed V02 max (oxygen utilization) following exertion.
8. A February 2011 PLoS ONE study showed that people with CFS have unique cerebrospinal fluid proteins found only in CFS and not in healthy controls. The proteins in CFS also can be differentiated from those with Lyme disease. As an example, the study states that "the CDK5 signaling pathway was found to be significantly enriched for proteins identified only in the pooled CFS proteome. This signaling pathway has been linked to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases."
9. In October 2011, a groundbreaking Norwegian study was published showing 2/3rds of ME/CFS patients experienced significant improvement in symptoms using a chemotherapy drug called Rituximab. Rituximab "destroys both normal and malignant B cells that have CD20 on their surfaces, and is therefore used to treat diseases which are characterized by having too many B cells, overactive B cells or dysfunctional B cells." The fact that this drug appears to work in ME/CFS suggests that the illness may be a type of auto immune disease. For more information, check out this excellent summary.
10. ME/CFS is thought to cost the U.S. economy about $25 billion a year, and perhaps more. The average cost per family of a ME/CFS patient is approximately $25,000 per year (including unemployment). Yet, despite its prevalence and seriousness, ME/CFS is still one of the least funded of all illnesses in the United States (in the bottom 12). More money is spent each year studying hay fever than ME/CFS.
11. Currently, there are no FDA approved treatments for ME/CFS and there is no cure.
Updated: September 2012
Some things you can do to help:
1. Help spread the word that ME/CFS is a serious and multi-systemic disease. If someone has false misconceptions about the illness, speak up and correct them.
2. Don't call CFS "chronic fatigue." CFS is a complex illness affecting many different organ systems; it is not a single symptom. Referring to it merely as "chronic fatigue" (rather than CFS or ME/CFS) is not only incorrect, it can actually feel disrespectful.
3. If you know someone with ME/CFS, let them know you care. Drop them a line from time to time (without expecting a response). Listen to what they have to say and ask if there's anything you can do to help.
4. Become educated and involved. Read up on ME/CFS from legitimate sources and stay informed. Join advocacy groups such as the ones linked on this page, sign petitions, watch online webinars, and/or write to Congress to request more funding and awareness.
5. Wear a blue ribbon to show your support. If you are on Facebook, consider putting this twibbon (or this twibbon) on your profile picture to help raise awareness.
6. As noted above, ME/CFS is one of the least funded of all illnesses. If you can afford to, make a donation to one of the many ME/CFS charities. If you are unable to donate, you can instead write to your local senators and representatives and ask that they allocate more funds toward ME/CFS research.
7. Below are a few informational videos about ME/CFS. Take a look, listen and pass them on.
SolveCFS Video
Sleepydust Video
May is also Lyme Disease Awareness Month. To learn more about how this co-existing infection may be complicating my personal case of ME/CFS, please read my previous post titled A Note on Lyme Disease.
Thank you.
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